Friday, July 8, 2011


Ok so I guess I need to come up with names for us...she will be Lynn and I will be Jo. And yes we had husbands. Husbands who, at the time, didnt care what we did or who we did it with as long as the kids were taken care of, the house was clean and they had clean underwear. Sounds like 1950 doesn't it? Sad to say but even though times have changed...they haven't changed that much. At least not in alot of households today. The only thing that's different is now women can add a full-time job away from home to the responsibilities of the house.

So these husbands who had never called us during the day, never asked where we were going or what we did that day, they began to notice a change. They noticed that we never missed an opportunity to be together, they heard a change in our voice when we talked to each other on the phone. They noticed our cell phones became glued to us at all times and our eyes lit up when the other one walked into the room.

Lynn's husband accused her of having an affair and was relieved to find out it was me and not a man...temporarily. My husband thought I was obsessed with her...which I was. And so began their transformation into the doting husband. I don't want to bash them, they weren't horrible men. They had become what we had allowed them to become and we held some of the responsibility.

But they were too late. She and I were too far gone to turn back...even though I'm not sure we knew it. This is where the story gets crazy, in a good way. If you had told me that one day I would meet a woman who would become my best friend and I would fall head over heels in love with her, I would have said you were crazy. But that's exactly what happened.

Monday, July 4, 2011

The Beginning...

Do you believe in soul mates?  In that one special person that you are meant to be with?  I do.  I didn't before I met her but I do now.

Sometimes we say that we wish we had met each other 20 years ago but I'm not sure it would have worked out. We weren't the same people then.  I think we were destined to meet exactly where and when we did. Our journey was mapped out for us from the beginning and we've followed it to each other. The path that we have each followed is what has made us who we are.  And I wouldn't change a thing if that's how I came to find her.

This is our blog. It's going to tell our story. It will be here forever...when we are old and grey and don't remember the details. It will be here.

I met her my first year of teaching...that was almost 4 years ago.  We just clicked, we hit it off.  Love at first sight?  Not really. But I've met hundreds of people over my life and I've never just wanted to be friends with someone like I did her. 

So the first year at school we just talked a couple times a week for a few minutes. We joked around and talked about our families a little bit.  We had some things in common.  We made each other laugh. And when summer was close, I got her phone number.  We could do things with the kids right?  Swimming and stuff.

So I called her...that first week of summer.  And I can honestly say we haven't gone a day without communicating ever since.  We started texting and she became a lifeline.  We met up once or twice a week, sometimes with our kids, sometimes without. 

We felt safe with each other and slowly began to open up.  After years of holding it all in and not telling a soul...we opened up.  We told each other everything, things we had never told anyone. And we realized we had more in common than we thought.  Our lives were not as they seemed, we were lonely and angry and tired.

By the time school started back in august we were inseperable.  And our husbands were noticing.

More to come later!!!!